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Student Registration

Registration Procedures



STEP ONE: Complete an online pre-registration using the links below for the appropriate grade and school year or by CLICKING HERE.  Please be sure to review the required registration documents list found below, and have them ready to be uploaded to the online registration portal. 

STEP TWO: Once an online pre-registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from Central Registration. This email will contain the list of required registration documents and your options for submitting, if you have not uploaded them to the portal (email,  mail, drop off copies, or in person appointment). This step in the registration process is not complete until all documents have been submitted. 

STEP THREE: Once all registration documents are submitted and reviewed by Central Registration, your student's registration file will be provided to your student's school for finalization and completion of enrollment.

For Questions or Assistance please contact: 


This is for returning Sayreville students. Please use the link below to complete your student's annual enrollment update. For Questions or Assistance please contact:

Annual Enrollment Update


(Students who were previously registered in the Sayreville Public School District and have left the district for more than 10 days, will need to follow the directions below to re-enter the district.)

STEP ONE: Submit a brand new online pre-registration by CLICKING HERE. (This will allow us to have the most up to date contact information in our system.)

STEP TWO: You will receive a confirmation email from Central Registration containing the list of required re-registration documents and your options for submitting, if you have not uploaded them to the portal (email,  mail, drop off copies, or in person appointment). 

STEP THREE: Once all re-registration documents are submitted and reviewed by Central Registration, your student's registration file will be provided to your student's school for finalization and completion of re-enrollment.


Registration / Enrollment Update Information

Registration Enrollment Update Documentation