Parent Responsibility
The Transportation Regulations and the Policy adopted by the Board of Education should be stressed to the students not only for their safety but to protect the lives of all students riding the school bus.
- Help your student(s) to be on time at the bus stop.
- Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the designated stop.
- Assume responsibility in training your child to cooperate with the school bus driver
- Insist on correct behavior in waiting for and riding the school bus
- Accompany very young students to the bus stop each morning and meet the bus in the afternoon.
- Cooperate with school officials in discharging discipline requirements in support of the Transportation Safety Program. Parental attitude in this matter is extremely important.
NOTE -- Students are not allowed to change their bus. When your child is not going to take the bus home, please notify the school. Parents should remind their children that they should not cross roads in order to get the bus until such time as the bus arrives, the red blinking lights are flashing, and the traffic is stopped, so that the driver can watch the students safely cross the street.