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Director of Athletics
Jenn Badami 
732 525-5200 Ext 8120


Fall sports registration open June 15th  
Closes July 15th for Hs and August 15th for MS
HS Season: August to November

MS Season: September to November

Winter sports registration open October 1st 
Closes November1st
HS Season: November to February
MS Season: November to February

Spring sports registration open January 1st 
Closes February 1st
HS Season: March to June
MS Season: March to May

(if date is a weekend, allowance to following Monday will be made)
Contact the Coaches for all practice information. 

Athletic Department Contacts 

Sports Offerings and Coaches' Contact Information


Information separated by High School and Middle School below 

*Please have the athlete join the class code if available
Contact the coaches directly via email for all information
and questions regarding a particular sport
If a sport is not listed below and you are interested in finding out more information, please contact Jenn Badami - Director of Athletics
 (contact information above) 


Sayreville's Philosophy of Education-Based Athletics

Sayreville Public School considers participation in athletics to be an integral part of the overall educational experience. Sayreville's philosophy of education-based athletics is that athletics are an extension of a student's educational process. Integrating an education-based athletics philosophy will foster learning opportunities that focus on reinforcing values and skills used in the classroom and throughout life such as teamwork, responsibility, accountability, communication, leadership, empathy, and problem-solving. Students earn the privilege to participate in sports by maintaining academic standards and good conduct. Education-based athletics will in return maximize student participation and support the academic progress. Sports are full of teachable moments and coaches are the conduit through which the learning experience flows. Our coaches will provide a safe environment where athletes can learn, excel, and feel comfortable making mistakes. Together the students, coaches, administration, and parents will achieve Sayreville's philosophy of education-based athletics by developing students' education, character, skills, and values that will help them succeed beyond high school.